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National SteepleChase Association

The Far Hills Race Meeting is sanctioned by the National Steeplechase Assocation (NSA). Over 34 races are run each year from March through November, each raising funds for a variety of local initiatives such as open space preservation and hospitals.

The National Steeplechase Association, based in Fair Hill, Maryland, is the headquarters of American steeplechase racing. In its capacity as the official sanctioning body of U.S. steeplechase racing, the National Steeplechase Association licenses participants, approves race courses, trains officials, coordinates race entries, enforces rules, compiles an official database, and oversees the national marketing and public relations of the sport. As an authority and a resource, the NSA provides essential services and information to participants and fans alike. The National Steeplechase Association takes its role as the guiding hand of this proud sport’s legacy very seriously, and is dedicated to preserving its tradition and history in the 21st century.